Universal Text Editor
UX Strategy + Roadmap Planning + UX Direction + Stakeholder Reviews

Our existing text editor experience is loaded with friction. By providing a more modern, seamless, and intuitive text editor, we can increase speed of text editing, reduce errors, and improve design confidence for our creators.
Increase conversion across all heavily text-based products (e.g. Wedding Invites and Birth Announcements)
Increase AOV and RPV
Reduce time spent during creation
Reduce drop-off during creation
Modernize dated interface
Create universal component used across all platforms
I asked our UX research team to run an audit of all our existing text-editing experiences across desktop and mobile. It was apparent that our text experience could be improved, but we needed to find solid examples of what we personally feel needs improvement. Below were their findings.
Multiple Variants

4 different editors used for various platforms and engines
Inconsistent design and functionality between all
All use modal metaphor
Lacking + Disjointed
Dated interface
Interface, in modal form, unnecessarily covers product
Lack of live, dynamic text preview on product
Both lead to "pogo-sticking" in order to properly preview text.

Unhelpful Guidance
All fields contain "Enter text here" instruction, but no hint as to what type of text should be entered (e.g. First Name, Family Name, Address, etc.)
Error states offer no insight as to what needs to be fixed and how to go about fixing it
Users don't realize their text does not fit until they dismiss the text editor

Cluttered Text Areas
"Enter text here" looks cluttered and redundant
Overlapping text fields are difficult to differentiate from each other
Solid gray areas obscure design

User Testing (Competitive Analysis)
Now that we had a sense of where pain points were located, I wanted to test it against users and see if they experience the same frustrations. We all agreed that it would be good to run it parallel with competitors to see if they suffer from similar issues and how users navigate their experiences.
Instructions: 70+ users were asked to test and compare two different sites of their choice for text editing specifically.

All sites are generally usable after some exploration
Majority of users want or expect inline editing
Users appreciate flexibility in editing options, including the ability to move text around or remove altogether
Users assume all text editable, even with the editable text being styled differently than baked-in design text
Most frustration was observed with Shutterfly (pogo-sticking)
Users expect recently used fonts/colors
Overlapping text boxes were frustrating across brands
Majority of users want text to auto-fit
Mixed preference for contextual vs docked editor
I sat down with my UX designer and helped formulate a plan of action. We decided to wireframe three of the strongest metaphors from testing to see how well it would work with our current interfaces. We also had to keep in mind that this would replace all editors across all products for both desktop and mobile (universal).
Fullscreen Edit Mode

Floating Widget

Side Palette

Stakeholder Review
Once my designer found solutions for each metaphor, we listed pros and cons for each and reviewed them with stakeholders to choose a direction that we all agree upon.

WINNER: Floating Widget
Most contextual and associative
Lightweight design
Translates well to mobile (in form of a tray)

With a clear direction agreed upon, I had my UX Designer sit down with one of our Visual Designers to craft mockups of the experience so engineers had something to work off of as soon as possible. Engineers started to build a rough beta based on the wireframes, and they would clean it up as the high fidelity mockups started rolling in so users could start testing as soon as possible.
Default View
New translucent area styling allows visibility of product design
Dashed line better indicator of an area that can be edited
No more redundant "Enter text here" default text

Text Area Active
Tooltip hint effectively lets users know what type of content they need to input
Widget closely associated with selected text area

Showing live preview of text with style applied
Text will now resize down automatically to fit the active area (limited to the smallest font size recommended for each design)
Text Entry
Text Styling Options
All previous text style options available in more focused sections
Palette can be moved manually by user
Widget can be dismissed by clicking anywhere outside of the area or palette, but DONE added as a more apparent backup action

Mobile (iOS)
Widget translate to bottom tray metaphor
Text area automatically zoomed in upon tap
Automatically zooms out as user types
Extra tab added to accommodate mobile keyboard
May have to relocate "Done" CTA due to iOS keyboard having actions baked in

Mobile (Android)
Widget translate to bottom tray metaphor
Text area automatically zoomed in upon tap
Automatically zooms out as user types
Extra tab added to accommodate mobile keyboard

User Testing
Once our engineers had a working prototype in beta, I asked our researchers to set up more user tests to present our new text-editing experience.
Main Takeaways:
Overall very positive feedback, exceeding expectiations
Hangups on known WIP bugs (fixed for later sessions)
Majority of users intuitively discovered the text editor (by tapping on fields)
Some asked about ability to switch/navigate between multiple fields (e.g. - Enter first name with a way to switch to "last name" without hitting done and zooming out of the project). Some found this feature when "tabbing" on desktop. Functionality not built into mobile, but will consider for future iterations since it may help decrease creation time and possibly lift conversion.
In comparison to our existing control, we found that users were actually spending more time creating (unexpected), but also had a higher conversion rate.***I asked our researchers to dig deeper with monitored user testing sessions, and we found that, with the new editor, people were more inclined to try out different fonts, sizes, and colors, eventually coming to a design they were happy with and adding it to cart.
Much of the iteration was in fine-tuning how the text editor zoomed in on mobile devices which we found to be a bit buggy across different products and platforms.
Design Specs + Prototypes
By this time, many of the designs had already been handed off to the engineering team in piecemeal fashion for the sake of agility. To help clarify visuals and interactions, I ensured our team updated specs (via Zeplin) along with decks containing more notes and links to related prototypes. We held daily stand-ups to review updates with engineering and QA to ensure faithful design representation.


Increased conversion across all heavily text-based products
We saw no negative impact on products that were less text-heavy (e.g. Mugs, plaques, canvas prints, etc.)
Increase AOV (average order value) and RPV (revenue per visit)
Dramatically reduced drop-off during creation
Number of CS tickets has dropped significantly regarding text editing during product creation
Modernized dated interface
First step towards creating a library of universal components used across all platforms
Over the years, different teams in charge of different products and categories branched off into silos which resulted in different technology to benefit special needs as well as a break in design standards.
This project was the start of us consolidating down to a singular creation path using shared back end and the components. This means that teams will not need to build a feature several times and will increase efficiency and productivity.
To push this effort, a few of us designers teamed up with engineers to form a UI Guild that created and compiled a library of react components that developers can pull from and implement into future projects (React). This was the beginning of a much needed design system.